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Invasive Mosquitos FAQs

What do the invasive mosquitoes look like? 

The Aedes aegypti is a small, dark mosquito with white lyre-shaped markings and banded legs.

Aedes albopictus is a small, dark mosquito with a white dorsal stripe and banded legs.

Where are invasive mosquitoes found? 

These mosquito species often live in and around human habitation. They only require small amounts of standing water to lay eggs, eggs that do not hatch immediately can survive long periods without water only to hatch when they are re-flooded. Ideal breeding grounds include artificial or natural water containers (tires, pots, buckets, cans, rain gutters, fountains, birdbaths, etc.) and underground water sources such as open septic tanks, storm drains, wells, and water meters.

When and where do the invasive mosquitoes bite? 

These mosquitoes bite during the day, and they are most active two hours after sunrise and a few hours before sunset. However, they can bite at night as well. They typically approach their victims from behind and bite the ankles and elbows. They prefer humans, but will also take blood from dogs and other mammals.

What is the life cycle of invasive mosquitoes? 

Female mosquitoes lay eggs in water-filled containers, just above the water line, over several days. These eggs can survive for periods of six months or longer, even if they dry out temporarily. However, they cannot live through the winter in cold climates. When the eggs are flooded with water from rain, they hatch. Aedes aegypti larvae tend to eat small aquatic organisms, algae, and other plant and animal particles. After hatching, they grow into adults in as little as 8 days.


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