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Personnel Policies

7000 Executive Officer7005 Hiring, Age Limits, Advancement, Promotions, and Probation 7006 Pre-Employment Physical Examinations7010 Care of Property7015 Hours of Work7016 Meal and Rest Periods7018 Administrative Leave7020 Vacations7025 Holidays7030 Military Leave7035 Pregnancy Disability Leave7040 Sick Leave7042 Reproductive Leave Loss7045 California Family Rights Act (CFRA) Leave 7050 Bereavement Leave7060 Court Mandated Leave7062 Catastrophic Leave7065 Other Leaves of Absence7070 Disability and Life Insurance7075 Workers Compensation7080 Social Security7085 Health Insurance7090 Retirement, Unemployment Insurance, Deferred Compensation7095 Layoffs7100 Resignations7105 Hire Back7110 Dismissal of Regular Employees7115 Recommendation Letters7120 Expense Allowances7125 Uniforms and PPE7130 Pay Periods7135 Injury Reporting and IIPP7140 Gifts7145 Disability Accommodations7150 Compensation7155 Overtime, Compensatory Time, Call Back7160 HIPAA Compliance7165 Job Abandonment7170 Performance Evaluation and PIP’s7175 Evaluation District Manager7180 Grievance & Grievance Procedures7185 Safe Work Practices7190 Drug and Alcohol Abuse7195 Smoke-Free Workplace7200 Outside Employment7205 Equal Opportunity7210 Sexual Harassment7215 Harassment7220 Nepotism7225 Internet Ethics7226 Use of District Social Media7227 Use of Personal Social Media7230 Cellular Telephone District Telephone Usage7235 Meet and Confer7240 Time for Appeal7245 Personal Vehicle Usage and Rental Vehicles7250 District Vehicle Usage7255 Employee Driver Safety and Driving Record7260 Disciplinary Action7265 Weapons7270 Workplace Intimidation, Threats, and Violence7275 Workplace Bullying7280 Training and Certification7285 Lactation Accommodation


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